Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pooped Pastors

I was browsing the internet, actually I had a thought and wanted to see if there was any info on my question: what does a pastor do when their ministry assignment changes?  I know the obvious answer is to do what God says, or follow the lead of the Holy Spirit, etc. But, when you are in the midst of serious transition sometimes you look for reassurances that it is God and not you pushing yourself toward change.

In my search I came across this information.  I believe the website is

At any given time, 75% of pastors in America want to quit. 1,500 pastors leave their assignments each month due to moral failure, spiritual burnout or contention within their local congregations. 70% of pastors do not have a close friend with whom they can openly share their struggles.*

Chances are that your pastor is pooped. And if you are a know. It’s a uniquely tough job, and Steve has just launched an equally unique website to help.

Now there’s a safe place of grace and help for the shepherds of God’s flock. Stop by and spread the word!


* Statistics from Focus on the Family, Fuller Institute of Church Growth and Church Resource

 SELAH!  Hm-m-m!  This is a serious indictment against the church. We have to do a better job at taking care of our leaders as they are entrusted to take care of the flock. Encourage a leader today!

To my fellow labourers in the vineyard, Happy Pastoral Appreciation Month!

Friday, October 14, 2011

God Knows What You Need

The story in the Bible of Jacob's relationship with his wives Leah and Rachel is perhaps one of the most intriguing stories to me. It starts with Jacob fleeing for his life. He tricked his father Isaac who was old, blind and about to die into blessing him with the birthright blessings of his brother Esau. (Genesis 28) He ran to the very place and family that God had years prior told Abraham to separate from. Yeah, Jacob was a slickster, but had no ideal he was about to run up into the king of slick, Uncle Laban.

As Jacob entered into Haran coming upon a well where shepherds’ were, he began to inquire about the town and his uncle. While they spoke, along came Rachel with her sheep. Not many days after being taken to his uncle's tent, Jacob became smitten and desired to marry Rachel. Having no dowry, he agrees to serve Laban seven years for her hand in marriage.

Seven years seemed like only a few days of toil for the love of his life. I can imagine the shock, anger, hurt and disappointment Jacob must have felt when the day after his betrothal he found out he had been tricked; and it was Leah instead of Rachel. Now God knew that Rachel was what Jacob wanted, but Leah was what he needed. Jacob complained to Laban and was given Rachel also as his wife. He agreed to toil another seven years for the thing he was already promised.

God knew that Leah, though not the most attractive had a right heart and motives. And like so many other women she desired to be valued, accepted and loved. But, Jacob despised the one God had selected for him and still wanted Rachel. Rachel, the gorgeous one that made his heart beat and his manhood throb.

Oh, but God had a plan for Leah the despised one. Leah was humble, submissive and unassuming. Hated by both her husband and her sister, God opened her womb. Rachel on the other hand was prideful, a liar, bitterness laid in her heart and though she was beautiful, she was also barren. God shut up her womb because she despised her sister.

The more Leah was mistreated the more fruitful she became, and birthed forth a nation of sons for Jacob. Rachel on the other hand was like a bitter herb and unfruitful. She had two sons, but being a woman of little strength, she died while giving birth.

Because Leah was fruitful, Jacob’s status at the gate of the city was elevated. Leah’s lineage produced a kingly heritage through which our Lord Jesus Christ would come. Let us recognize the hand of God in our lives. He will not always give you what you want, but He will give you what you need. He knows the end of a matter and what will bring you to a low estate as well as what will bring you to elevation. Selah.

*Selah means to pause, think about it and give God praise.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Weekly Money Matters- Let Faith Supercede Frustration

One thing I have learned in life is, being broke is no joke.  Nothing to laugh about.  Everyone that is in the broke status is not there because they have mismanaged their money.  Some just don't make enough to make ends meet. And when you are  living a life of faith, if you aren't careful frustration will set in.

These are difficult times we are living in and difficult times call for drastic measures.  It is time to stand on NOW Faith (Hebrews 11:1).  That is tenacity in the face of doubt, it is faith that will man up and go toe to toe with unbelief, it is faith without measure that supercedes even the most frustrating situations.  It is the type of faith that will stubbornly stand and say, "I will trust God no matter what."

Apostle Paul summed it up like this, "We walk by faith, and not by sight."  But the reality is that many are so focused on what's in front of them.  So when we talk about faith sometimes they don't get it.  Walking in faith doesn't mean that problems won't arise, it doesn't mean that you won't have to wait, or that you won't be tested.  So far from the truth.

Life can present some very challenging financial moments and it seems no matter how you maneuver the money it just isn't enough and something ends up not getting paid.  Some have experienced foreclosures, losing their apartments, car repo, electric being turned off, no food to feed their family, etc. Many marriages fall apart because of financial strain. It is during these times that the enemy of our soul will cause us to be frustrated with God, and to doubt His word.

Frustration is defined as to prevent from achieving a goal or a gratifying desire.  Being frustrated will actually stop you from moving and getting to your next step.  It will stop you from seeing the future and realizing the lessons of every finanicial challenge we encounter.

Faith on the other hand is always moving forward, is always seeking information and new strategy. Faith will keep you focused and at peace, even when chaos is swirling all around you.

Let your faith supercede the frustration you may be experiencing.  Stand on your NOW faith knowing that God will deliver you out of all your trouble. Continue to honor God in giving tithe and offerings and watch as He turns every situation around for you.

As you stand on tenacious faith without measure watch as God brings you from a broke status to a status of blessings and living in the overflow.

Hebrews 11:1- Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

*Order my book, Lord, I'm Broke Again!  It is a book that is geared toward financial healing.  It is a quick easy to read lesson on financial matters.  You can prchase it on, Amazon. com or

Join my blog- Selah with Pastor Tracy or leave a comment.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Oh Boy! What am I suppose to do......Tia is getting married!

O my goodness! The panic has finally set in as my daughter announces to me, "Mom, I'm moving some of my things this weekend to my new place." See, the lovely lady pictured on the left is my oldest daughter, Tia.  In less than five weeks she is to be married.  While I am happy that she has a wonderful man in her life that has made her feel complete and has brought so much joy to her, there is a little part of me that is a little sad.  Ok, truthfully, I'm in panic mode, I'm sad and crying.  What am I going to do with myself? Both of my girls are leaving.  My youngest is engaged and moving down south soon.....but today is not about her, it's about Tia.

Tia Cherie, I had her name picked out since I was about 14 or 15 years old. I carefully searched out the meaning of her name (Tia means princess in Greek and Cherie means beloved in French).  I always knew one day I would have a daughter.  There is so much I want to say about this special young lady who is one of my pride and joys, but I can't write it all here.

From the time I carried her in my womb I prayed for her, I read to her daily, sang to her and prophesied into her future.  The day Tia was born was one of the happiest days of my life.  I looked at her face and she looked so sweet and innocent like a Cherub.  She became my Angel-face.  My love for her grew day by day. I made a decision to be the best example as a wife, mother and woman I could possibly be.  It has been a joy to raise her and to see her grow up to be the fantastic woman she has become.   Now don't get me wrong she was not the perfect child, but she was mine.  Inspite of a sometimes bumpy journey through life I was determined that my daughter would always have my ear. That no matter what was going on, she could come talk to me about anything. I vowed be her biggest cheerleader in whatever she endeavored to do and to be a fierce protector of my daughter. Most of all, I worked hard as a mom to have a fantastic relationship with both of my girls.

Years ago I made one of the hardest decisions in my life to separate and eventually divorce her dad. I completely changed our lives. At the time I also chose to walk away from God and threw in the towel of ministry.  She grew up being a PK and here I caused upheaval and turmoil by my decisions and taking away the christian lifestyle she knew.  And even though Tia didn't understand, she never judged me. She was a source of inspiration and was my steady rock on days when I was out of my mind.  You can't ask for a better daughter, friend and support.

One of the hardest moments in my life was the day my parents and I dropped her and my youngest daughter off at Del State to begin their freshmen year.  Some days I felt as if I couldn't breathe, inhaling when they were away and exhaling on the days they would come home. I eventually got over it and began to breathe again as I became use to my new life and found things to occupy my time.  During her sophmore year of college I gave my life back to the Lord.  Upon seeing my example and the change in my life she decided to also give her life back to the Lord.  Every weekend she would drive 3 hours from Delaware for service and go back back to school afterwards.  When it was time for her to go back for her third year of school she decided to stay home. Though I was not happy about the decision, I knew God had a plan for her life and who is big enough to fight with God......not me! 

I have watched Tia develop into a precious jewel of God and an awesome worship leader with a heart for God.  What has impressed me most about her walk with God is her faithfullness and refusal to compromise on the standards of holy living.  In so doing even when others were dating she waited on God.  Through tears sometimes of doubt of her worth and questioning if God had someone for her. She remained faithful and waited on God. God heard. God saw.  And God has blessed this vessel of honor with a wonderful young man and on November 12, 2011 a part of her life's dream will be fulfilled.

There is so much I want to say, but, I am going to end by saying, Tia, I love you with my heart, I'm proud of you and know that marriage is another chapter to be written in the story of your life.  I have been so blessed by God that he chose me almost 25 years ago to be your mother.  I will always cherish our relationship. I pray that you and Will have a long loving, blessed and prosperous life together.

Congratulations to Min. Will Lowery and my precious Angel- Min. Tia Gittens!

So with all that has been said, what am I going do?  Pat myself on the back for a job well done, kick back and enjoy life.  The newest chapter of my life is just beginning.....
Means to pause, think about it and give God praise.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Weekly Money Matters- Financial Education

    Financial trends have changed and we have to change with the trends.  It is important especially now with so much uncertainty that we pay attention to what is happening financially.  We have to re-educate ourselves to the new money system that we are unwittingly being ushered into, and yet as Christians remain faithful to the principals that are outlined in God's Word concerning tithing and giving offerings.
 No matter what is going on with the world's system the Laws of Prosperity and Reciprocity do not change.  As long as we continue to follow the principles of God's Word it will always work for us because He is bound by His word and not moved by the failing economy of America, the diminshed standing of the dollar, the unemployment numbers, famine in the land or drought. 

However, we cannot ignore what is going on around us and need to use wisdom and pay attention to the financial trends that are taking place.  I believe that this is a good season for Christians to receive the blessings of the Lord, the latter rain, the blessings that make one rich and adds no sorrow.  This is our season to recieve our Abrahamic blessings and to live in the overflow.

We need to pay attention to what's happening with the banks. New charges are being added to some bank customers who use their ATM cards, fees added to your account to store your money in the bank, fee if you use their automated bill pay systems, etc. Pay attention! These fees are eating up our money dollar by dollar, little by little.  We need to become better skilled at handling our finances and managing credit card debt.

Sometimes we get ourselves in trouble because we don't pay attention to the financial details of our lives and we end up being in a big hole and we want God to come with His economic bail out plan designed just for ourselves.  Not so.  In this hour we have to educate ourselves and make adjustments to our life style.  The truth is the economy will never be the same.  It will never go back to what it once was.

Not only that, only those who educate themselves about the new financial trends will survive. 

Pastor Tracy

*Purchase my book, Lord, I'm Broke Again! which deals with getting out of debt, breaking emotional soul ties to money and Kingdom financial principles.  Can be purchased at, and Barnesand