Saturday, September 24, 2011

Peeling back the layers of Prejudice...(part 3 of 3)

Prejudice is a divisive scheme of Satan to keep all of God's creation at odds with one another.  He knows that if God's people were to truly come together in unity that there would be so much power that we would cause mass destruction to the kingdom of darkness.  Division of any kind is not of God.  It is not Christ-like when we purposely malign others, set out to destroy one race in favor of another, it's not cool to be racist.  God is not pleased with those who are skin-heads, Nazi's,or involved with the Klu Klux Klan, display racial, ethnic or gender bias, he is not pleased with ethnic cleansings that take place in Africa, racially motivated hate crimes or even black on black crimes.  It's not right when prejudice is practiced in our families, the work place, our neighborhoods, schools and most of all not in our churches.

The Church has standards according to the laws of God that we must adhere to.  We should not compromse on certain positions when it comes to sin or things that are contrary to what we believe to be right according to the Bible, but we do not have to be intolerant of sinners, and we should not display racial or ethnic prejudice. Bigotry does not belong in the pulpit.

As the layers of my own heart was being pulled back I was reminded that through the pains I have experienced and the distaste left in my mouth by racism towards African-Americans, I still have to practice Matthew 5:44 says, "love my enemies, bless those who curse me, do good to those who hate you and pray for those who despitefully use you....."  I am responsible for what the Holy Spirit has exposed in my heart and I am required to change, Romans 12:2 says, "Be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...."  I am open to change and like the Apostle Paul I choose to forget those things that are behind me and press towards what's ahead, the prize of the high calling.

John 3:16, For God so loved the world.....God loves everyone and does not want anyone to perish. He doesn' judge man like we do but, judges the heart of man.  My responsibility as a Christian is to love.
1 Peter 4:8 says, " And above all things have fervent love for one another, for love will cover the multitude of sins."

The soil of our country is stained with the blood of many Indians, slaves, African Americans and others who have stood for racial equality in this country.  Healing starts with us and our willingness to face our past history so as not to allow it to be a part of our future, to have an honest conversation concerning race.  We have to be willing to forgive others of past atrocities to our ancestors and even the things we still experience today.

I forgive but, will never forget as I pray for the healing of America.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Peeling back the layers of Prejudice...(part 2 of 3)

Today I need to confess that I have an issue and that I'm willing to allow God to peel the layers of my heart. 1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (NKJV)

Prejudice can stem from many sources, it can be instillled in childhood by a parent, it can come from anger from past atrocities of Native Americans who were forcibally removed from their lands, the frustration of African Americans over slavery, the anguish of Jews because of the Holocaust and the bitter taste that the Civil Rights Movement has left in the mouth of those who lived through it. Prejudice is seen every day in current trends of bigotry against homosexuals, those who are obese and the internal prejudice that has been brewing since 9/11 against Muslims and those of Middle Eastern descent, I can go on and on about prejudice and the racial division of America. Prejudice lurks about in our churches, we don't want to admit it but, in many communities you still have segregation in churches and by denominations.  There is prejudice by nationality and even financially, the caste system is not only in India but in America also.

  Some  are prejudice because of fear (of being a victim of sheer ignorance a the hands of others); anger (over past and even current situations of hate crimes); disappointed (that it is 2011 and we still have not changed in tolerance towards others); bitter (about the injustice that people of color still face in this country). I have to admit that in the past I have boiled at what I have preceived to be racially motivated actions of police officer who in New Jersey were doing racial profiling for years and the killing of Sean Bell in New York some years back the night before his wedding at the hands of undercover cops.  I get angry over the senseless incarceration in Paris, Texas of a 14 year old girl for seven years for pushing a teachers assistant; or the cruel, torture and killing of black men as they are dragged to their death by being tied to the back of pick up trucks, oh I can go on but, I won't. I think you get the point.

The issue of prejudice is one that I think we will never understand.  Even in the Bible we see some glimpses of prejudice as with Miriam berating Moses for marrying an Ethiopian woman (Numbers 12:1); Jonah not wanting to go to Nineveh (Jonah 1:1-3); Jesus with the woman of Samaria (John 4:9).
God had to deal with Peter through a vision of his ministering to Gentiles (Acts 10:9-15). Two powerful scriptures are found in verses 28 and 35: "But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him." (NKJV)

My experiences of racism and those of others who have experienced racism, sexism, bigotry or any other biased behavior does not justify me  nor gives me the right to be prejudice or hold everyone else responsible for the actions of a few.  Today, I wholeheartedly repent for harboring anger, bitterness, fear and dislike toward anyone because of their actions whether toward me or others. But, I also repent for my thoughts, remarks and actions toward others that have been unkind. I choose to let go of my prejudice and I forgive those who have called me the "n" word, treated me unfairly and unkindly, and have stood in the way of my success. I choose to break the barriers and strongholds that have ensconced me from 1968 until now.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Peeling back the layers of Prejudice...(part 1 of 3)

Prejudice: a preconceived usually unfavorable idea; an opinion held in disregard of the facts that contradict; intolerance and hatred of other races, etc.; injury or harm, as by some judgment..

Thesaurus: biased, directed against, influenced, dogmatic, opinionated, narrow minded, intolerant, racist, chauvinistic, bigoted, partial, etc.

Writing about the topic of prejuidice is probably one of the hardest things I have done.  I have been fretting all day long because this is such a sensitive subject, and in talking about it leaves me vulnerable. My writing about ths subject is not to further fuel the fires of prejudice but, to hopefully help someone else find healing from the pains and atrocities of past experiences.

Today as I took my early morning walk the Holy Spirit spoke these words to me, "You are prejudice." As he spoke these words it was as if a dam broke loose and the tears streamed down my face. Being prejudice is not something I wanted to readily admit nor is it something I ever talk about with anyone.  It has been one of those "dirty" little secrets I have held in my heart and as long as no one talked about it, in my heart it would have remained.

But, this morning was different.  I had watched a program that talked about the Jewish nation and how we put ourselves under a curse whenever we speak any disparaging remarks about them.  So as I was walking I was casually repenting for not praying continuously for Israel and for any remarks I may have made concerning anyone of Jewish descent.

My prejudice towards white people stems from my childhood memories of growing up in Virginia. Having been born in the 60's during the Civil Rights era, I remember being bussed from my neighborhood to an white school district, I know what it's like to be called the "n" word and the negative emotions that causes you to boil inwardly and oftentimes cause you to hold your head down in shame.  I know what it's like to go into a store and because of the color of your skin you emit distrust to the the point that you are either followed around the store or never acknowledged when you enter.  I've expereinced prejuidice in the workplace and as recently as three years ago at a friend's wedding reception in North Carolina the fuel for my prejuidice began boiling again as we watched in horror the blatant disrespect given by the banquet hall owner to the newly weds.

Now please don't get me wrong I don't dislike all white people.  One of my closest and dearest friends named Martha is white, and then there is Liz whom I love whith my whole heart and there has been white people in my family and there are those that I do associate with that I truly love and when I'm with them there are no color barriers.  It's just the rest of white America (ok not all just the ones I've encountered during my life's journey) that I have a problem with and this morning as the Holy Spirit pricked my heart I repented.

Mark 4:25-26- And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.  But, if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses. (NKJV)

Today was the beginning transformation for me.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I am so excited about this inaugural posting of SELAH with Pastor Tracy. I have been wanting to do this for a long time.  SELAH means pause, think about it and give God praise!  We have so many instances in our lives that are AHA! moments and we need to Selah. We not only need to pause and think about it but, find opportunity in everything to give God praise.

 I pray that you will take the daily journey of life with me as I share my thoughts, inspirations, weekly Financial Savvy tips , a weekly entry of My Picks of the week and of course our moments to SELAH!

So in an effort to kick off this inauguration in style here is my thought for the day:

Preparation for Spiritual War

Awake! Awake! Put on your strength, O Zion.....shake yourself, arouse yourself from your place of slumber.  It's time to get up and subdue the enemy.  We have layed down long enough and wallowed in the furroughs of defeat and shame as the enemy has brought many in the kingdom of God low and some even to their demise.  But, its time to awaken and arm ourselves for the battle that is at hand.  It is time to use the intelligence data that we have about our enemy and strategically pursue and conquer as the mighty army of God that we are.  Through Jesus Christ we can achieve victory in every area of our lives. Not only that but remember we are in the trenches with our brother and sisters and must learn to cover and protect each others back.  Time out for the "friendly fire", and wounding our own soldiers,  It's time to stand in unity.....where there is unity in the Kingdom of God there is definitely strength.